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"A decline in interest in regional music in the twentieth century almost destroyed this tradition. A reawakening of interest in the 1960s and 1970s, however, has revived this music and the instruments associated with it, including the Vielle. Enough players survived from the early part of the twentieth century to establish a continuous tradition." (Greene 2016)


Hurdy-Gurdy's now days are mainly performed in Europe alongside other instruments, unlike the past as it had with choirs. It has began to become more popular in the United States during the 70's and is mainly seen in Renaissance fairs and Pirate themed events. Now though with our newer advancements there are Hurdy-Gurdy's which can be hooked up to amplifiers as well as have special strings not available prior. 


Andrey Vinogradov

This Russian player is considered a master of the Hurdy-Gurdy and is world famous in Gurdy circles. Most of his songs combines a Gurdy with drums or an organ. He composes his own songs as well and tours. Below are a few of his most famous performances.


Patty Gurdy

Patty Gurdy is becoming famous pretty fast as a Hurdy-Gurdy player. She is famous for playing with other people, as well as some of her solo performances of classical Irish and English songs. 


I highly recommend checking out her video below which is her rendition of Sweet Dreams.


Here are a few other performances of hers which are quite popular.

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